NABS Board of Directors
Linda Goss, Co Founder Baltimore, MD [email protected]
Favorite Spiritual: "This Little Light of Mine, I'm gonna' let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine." ~ Traditional
Dr. David Fakunle, President
Baltimore, MD [email protected]
David Olawuyi Fakunle, Ph.D. is a self-described “mercenary for change,” willing to employ any talent and occupy any space in the effort to elevate people of African descent and anyone who feels divested from their truest self. As an artist, David has utilized vocal and theater performance, African storytelling and African drumming in the proclamation of truth for over 20 years. His endeavors have afforded him opportunities to perform with companies such as the Sankofa Dance Theater, Musuyide Bi Nka Bi Collective, the Washington Revels’ Jubilee Voices and WombWork Productions, among others. His affiliations include The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum, the National Association of Black Storytellers and the Griots’ Circle of Maryland. David has had the distinct honor of performing at Light City Baltimore, Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, the World Music Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. among numerous performances both domestically and internationally. In appreciation of his work, David has been recognized as a Young Cultural Innovator by the Salzburg Global Seminar, an Emerging Nonprofit Leader by the Aspen Institute, and was awarded a 2016 Master/Apprenticeship Fellowship in Storytelling from the Maryland State Arts Council to work with Mama Linda Goss. Recently David co-founded DiscoverME/RecoverME, an organization that utilizes the African oral tradition to encourages the claiming of one’s narrative for personal and organizational growth.
Kay Merrill President Elect Baltimore,MD [email protected]
Education: M.A. Notre Dame of Maryland University, B.A. Purdue University Past President of the Griots’ Circle of Maryland. Developed a stronger partnership with Hampton Historic Site (National Park) which provided additional income for the organization, increased the revenue growth from our annual Love Stories Fundraiser; Increased visibility in the community, wrote a quarterly Newsletter called “In the Tradition”, initiated the development of a new Website, Women’s History Program promo on Channel 2 Television, Griots Circle Picture and articles in the Baltimore Times Newspaper, P.R. announcements and interviews on WEAA and WOLB radio.became a Life Member of the Griots’ Circle of Maryland.
Previous positions held: Chairperson Black History Program, Women’s History Program, Jubilee Day Celebration and Previous Office held: Financial Secretary.
Previously served as Secretary of the NABS National Board, worked on various National Committees and was inducted into the Brother Blue Circle of Elders in 2018.
My personal motto: “Do everything in decency and in order”.
Rosa Ashby Metoyer Alexandria, LA [email protected]
Rosa Ashby Metoyer is a Registered Nurse with over 45 years of experience, primarily in Psychiatric/Mental Health nursing. She currently teaches at Blue Cliff College in the Clinical Medical Assistant Program.
As a Storyteller, Rosa tells African, African American tales and other stories that teach, inspire and entertain.
Rosa is a Brother Blue Circle of Elders Awardee and she serves on the Membership committee as chairperson of NABS Care sub-committee.
Rosa has a nurturing spirit and a desire to promote healthy self- esteem, empowerment and spiritual healing.
Favorite Quote: “A *heapa people see, but few know” ~ Nannie Bessie Ashby *heap = lot

Chetter Galloway grew up hearing his father tell stories on Sunday Road trips. One of his favorites was The Talking Skull, a West African cautionary tale where a man loses his head! Chetter graduated from East Tennessee State University with a Master of Arts degree in Storytelling and often includes African drumming with his performances. He is a member of Toastmasters International, the Georgia Storytelling Network, and serves on the Board of Directors for Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia. In his spare time, Chetter is an avid runner who enjoys creating stories while he’s running. Engaging and entertaining, he invites listeners to Feel the Rhythm and Live the Story!
Favorite Proverb: The teeth are smiling, but is the heart?
Kwanza Brewer, Immediate Past President
Cleveland, OH [email protected]
Kwanza Brewer is a creative storyteller, spoken word performance published poet, activist, dedicated educator and loving mother. Sister Kwanza has been telling African and African American stories for over two decades. She is president emeritus of the Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers Inc. and also served as the former assistant to Affiliate Director Baba Jamaal Koram. Kwanza is also a member of the National Black Child Institute Cleveland Affiliate. She is a member of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Inc. She served as the former project director for the Children's Defense Fund Freedom School of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church. Kwanza currently serves as an educator for the Cleveland Metropolitan Public School district. In addition to teaching, she has performed stories in both local, national, and international venues including, most recently the world-renowned Karamu House Theater, and in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2017. She is always a servant leader who is honored to serve with a joyful spirit of love. Sister Kwanza enjoys being a part of the National Association of Black Storytellers family for we inspire stories of social justice, heart to heart truth, and ancestral commemoration.
Favorite quote: Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.

Roy Harris Asheville, NC [email protected]
Roy is a country gentleman raised in the sticks of Eastern North Carolina; He graduated valedictorian of his high school class and went on to matriculated at one of the greatest universities in the world, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, North Carolina, Class of 1972.
Roy resurrected his storytelling career three years ago and now travels the state telling family, relational ship and love stories. He has the unique ability to see a story in just about any situation. He tells from the genre “That a storm is coming, a storm is upon you or a storm has just pass. In all three phases you have to prepare differently.
Roy has three grown children and two grandchildren, and he resides in Asheville, North Carolina.